Tuesday, March 11, 2008

At the behest of my compatriots Richie and Bougie I've decided to assemble a list of my top 10 television shows even though we all watch the same shit and nobody else reads this drivel.
I'm only doing a comprehensive top 5 because I have to do real work to do.
But here are some shows I like.
Degrassi, Real World, Entourage, Seinfeld and Curb your Enthusiasm.

And now on to the top 5.

5. Real World/Road Rules Challenge
You can't write this shit. It really is the real world. I want so badly to do one of these challenge shows I can't even describe it. Everyone of these outdoes the previous one. Oh man I want to go against CT in the gauntlet and hook up with Svetlana!!
Or maybe hook up with Kina and face off against Johny in the Inferno!!
Or maybe take on Derek in name that coconut and... Oh..I don't know, I just don't know!!

4. Lost
This show is pretty good. I really could do without like 40 percent of the episodes. Kate is pretty hot though.

3. Dexter
If your squeamish stay away.
This show may not be for everyone. I told my mom once about how Dexter is a serial killer that only kills serial killers. Her response was "And that makes it ok??!!" I don't think this show is for her.

2. Friday Night Lights

I love this show. I'm very sad that it has not found a fan base and is on the verge of being canceled. I don't know what I'll do without the Dillon Panthers in my life.
As I grow older I feel that more and more I need a good amount of light teen drama in my life, I guess thats why I watch so much Degrassi and OC as well.
Hopefully after this show is gone Tim Riggins and Coach Taylor can somehow get their own spin off, maybe they could kill serial killers together. I'd watch that.

1. The Wire
This show rocks my socks off on a regular basis, it's like a complicated little machine with many intricate parts. I'm very sad to see it go. Here is a classic Wire clip.


Nikolai Richie said...

Wendy is a wise woman.... no sopranos, shield, entourage for ever a show you like? boy u crazy

Bougie Baby said...

I love that scene so much. Good list Jose, I knew that you and Richie both liked The Real World/Road Rules Challenges, but I never would have guessed you liked it as much as I do.

Bougie Baby said...

ps my jaw hit the floor when I saw that FNL was #2 on your list. That is surreal.